Welcome to the the WWW home page of the Northern California Local Council of Covenant of the Goddess.
These are compiled by Rowan Fairgrove and others as noted and listing does not imply CoG's endorsement. If you have a correction or want your group, store or newsletter added, please write RowanF@conjure.com When writing to a group by mail alway enclose a SASE, postage or International Reply coupon. Most of us do this for love and out of our own pockets. Courteous letters with return postage get quicker, more joyful handling.
Web Pages of Interest |
Webfolks General pointers and contact-oriented web pages and individual Individual Wiccan, Paganism and Earth Religion pages arranged by tradition. | ![]() |
Archives, Ritual and Mythology Resources Pointers for archives of ritual and information and sources for research on the web. | Resources for Young Pagans and their Parents Pointers and contact information for Pagan parents and young Pagans and seekers. |
Groups, both electronic and otherwise |
Groups in North America Snail mail contacts and regional web links arranged by State for the United States and Province for Canada (compiled by JJ Kane and Rowan Fairgrove) | Student Groups College student groups on the Web. | Covenant of the Goddess Contact information for Local Councils of the Covenant around the country. | Southern Hemisphere Contact information for Witches and Pagans in the Southern Hemisphere. |
Magazines and Journals |
MagazinesContacts for US Pagan newsletters and magazines by region (please let me know if information is not current). Many include local and regional event calendars and contact lists. | Magazines - alphabetical listing. | magazines do go out of print!. | |
Places to Find Lovely and Useful Things |
Events Listings for Gatherings, Festivals and Event information. | Stores Listings for useful stores around the world, some of which are online. | Herb Sellers A listing of herb sources that do mail order and informational sites about herbs. | Music Listings for bands, choruses and music distributors of interest to Pagans.
If you have any comments or questions about COG or the NCLC web pages,
please mail them to NCLC@conjure.com.
Thank you for visiting The Northern California Local Council's Home Page!
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