Queer Resources

Queer, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered resources:
Search Engines and Indices:
- Gay Crawler.com
- GayCrawler.com offers a multilingual database of more than 2000 different URL addresses, divided into 110 categories. Categories include art, media, cyberculture, community, chambers of commerce, student groups, shopping online, travel and more.
- GLWeb
- This site bills itself as "The Complete Resource Guide to the Gay Internet" and offers news, top 10 lists and Rainbow Query GLWeb's search engine.
- NetQueery
- An index of queer info on the web arranged by topic and by geographic area.
- Queer Resources Directory
- QRD provides a variety of information including: news, legal info, religion, AIDS/HIV info and a searchable database
- Gay Media Database
- If you are looking for a publication in your area or looking for media in which to advertise this is the site for you.
Multipointer sites:
- !celebrating planetary lesbian/gay culture!
- Jim Lovette's collection of links.
- Danielle Dee's GLBT page
- Good pointers for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & leather folk.
- Data Lounge
- A very campy site with interesting links.
- The Homosexual Agenda
- A listing for gay, lesbian, and bisexual web pages arranged by categories such as Artists & Music, Books, HIV/AIDS Resources, Local News & Resources, Merchandise , Personal Ads and Home Pages, Publications, Travel and more.
- Justin's Pride Page
- English/French list of sites in the community.
- Lesbian.Org
- A great site for finding other lesbians and lesbian organizations on the Web. (Authored by Amy Goodloe of BA Cyberdykes!)
- PlanetOut
- News, information and chat areas tailored to a wide range of lesbian and gay interests.
- Wayne's Mom's page
- Links and information by the Proud Mother of a Gay Son.
- Gay & Lesbian Organizations list
- A selective list of organizations with reasonably up-to-date websites having numerous full text resources and links.
Regional Directory Sites:
- UK Gays
- The Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Guide to Great Britain - LOTS of info!
- OUTrageous Toyko
- Japan's first free English-language gay magazine (in PDF) with news about the Japanese Gay & Lesbian scene.
- New England Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual On-Line Guide
- Listings for New England area Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Trans Gender Service and Support Organizations. Boston Pride also offers a listing of Pride marches around the world!
- Out.Line
- A Texas-based resource page with lots of good links.
- Pink Pages
- A Guide to gay Amsterdam and more.
- Southern California Gay Wired
- A variety of resources in Southern California - magazines, arts, shopping, chat and more.
- Queer Asian Pacific resources
- A cornucopia of information for Asian/Pacific Gays.
- Northwest and British Columbia organizations
- Alvin Fritz' well organized resources for GLBT folks in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest.
San Francisco Bay Area/Northern California resources:
- BA Cyberdykes
- Dyke resources in Northern California.
- Bay Area Reporter (B.A.R)
- SF Area paper provides local and national news, classified ads, events and more.
- Billy de Frank Community Center
- The online home of San Jose's lgb Community center. Lots of activities, Sisterspirit Bookstore, Moonstruck Library, bingo and more!
- The Castro
- An online magazine and virtual community featuring the businesses, culture, and people of the Castro district of San Francisco.
- The Directory
- South Bay`s directory of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and supportive businesses.
- High Tech Gays
- A non-partisan political and social association of gays and lesbians in the high tech and supporting industries.
- The Lavendar Pages
- A free, searchable professional directory highlighting over 1,200 businesses and organizations for the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Community of San Francisco and the Bay Area.
- Lesbian Avengers of San Francisco
- Political direct action group.
- OutNOW!
- OutNOW!, Northern California's quality gay newspaper.
- San Francisco Pride
- San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Parade & Celebration info, plus links and plans for much more.
- The Slant
- Marin County news calendar and information for the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual community.
- Stonewall Alliance Center (Chico, CA)
- A community center for the queer community of Butte County and the Northern Sacramento Valley.
- Stanford Queer Resources
- Stanford University groups and events.
- Gay & Lesbian Guide at SF Gate
- News, happenings, photos and information on the neighborhoods, clubs and businesses of the community.
Community Organizations:
- Digital Queers
- DQ is a national professional organization serving queers who work in the high technology industry.
- Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
- GLAAD is a national organization that promotes fair, accurate and inclusive representation as a means of challenging discrimination based on sexual orientation or identity.
- Gay, Lesbian & Straight Teachers Network
- National organization that brings together teachers, parents, students, and concerned citizens to work together to end homophobia in our schools.
- G&L Bank
- An internet bank targeting gays and lesbians.
- Gay Financial Network
- Online resource devoted solely to the unique financial needs of the gay and lesbian community, founded by Walter B. Schubert (the first openly gay member of the New York Stock Exchange).
- The Human Rights Campaign
- US Political activist group lobbies Congress, provides campaign support, and educates the public to secure equal rights for lesbian and gay Americans.
- International Lesbian and Gay Association
- Worldwide federation of national and local groups dedicated to achieving equal rights for lesbians and gay men everywhere with more than 450 group and individual members in almost 70 countries .
- International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC)
- Working internationally for basic human rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgendered people, and people with HIV and AIDS.
- The International Association of Lesbian/Gay Pride Coordinators, Inc.
- 1996 InterPride home pages give information on Pride events worldwide.
- National Center for Lesbian Rights
- NCLR progressive, feminist, multicultural legal center devoted to advancing the rights and safety of lesbians and their families.
- National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
- NGLTF is an activist organization that serves as the national resource center for grassroots lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender organizations that are facing a variety of battles at the state and local level -- such as combating anti-gay violence,battling Radical Right anti-gay legislative and ballot measures, advocating an end to job discrimination, working to repeal sodomy loaws, demaning an effective governmental response to HIV and reform of the health care system and much more.
- NationalGayLobby.Org
- World Wide Web based, educational, social and activist membership organization for American internet users who support full equality for the gay community - gay men, lesbians, and bisexual and transgender persons.
- Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
- Families and friends in support. A great community resource.
- Project 21 The Gopher archive of GLAAD's Project 21. To find out more about Project 21 and to see their GLB poster
- .
- Romania Action for G-L-B
- Help fight the Romanian laws which make it a crime - 5 years in prison! - to be gay.
- Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
- A national legal aid and watchdog organization that assists men and women targeted by the military's policy on homosexuals.
- Families Like Mine
- Abigail Garner offers a selection of her columns. She is dedicated to decreasing isolation for people who have parents who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (GLBT), and bringing voice to the experiences of these families.
Same-sex Marriage and Parenting:
- Partners
- A resource for same-sex couples.
- Sam-Sex Marriage Page
- Information and articles on Gay and Lesbian marriage and contact info for advocate groups.
- Hawaii Same-Sex Marriage Report
- State of Hawaii Report of the Commission on Sexual Orientation and the Law (1995).
- Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International
- A Resource for gay, lesbian and bisexual parents, their partners and children, and supporters of our families.
- A Coming Out Guide for Gaydads
- By Richard Jasper (who is one and who's done it) with links to lots of resources.
- Lesbian Mothers Support Society (Canada)
- Good collection of links for lesbian parents.
- Lesbian Moms Home Page
- Information on artificial insemination and legal issues for lesbian parents.
Employment and Discrimination:
- Gay Workplace Issues
- Workplace issues, company policies and lots of information based on the book, Straight Jobs, Gay Lives.
- Domestic Partnership Benefits
- Partners Task Force for Gay & Lesbian Couples offers lists of companies, universities, etc that provide benefits, plus resources, factoids and more.
- QRD: Companies, Municipalities and Universities with Domestic Partnership Plans
- This undated essay gives stats and lists.
- Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
- National legal aid and watchdog organization that assists servicemembers hurt by the Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue policy.
Queer Studies:
[see also below]
- Gender and Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Studies
- at universities in the US and Canada.
- Information Resources for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Studies
- An extensive list of links compiled by the UC Santa Barbara library.
- Goodbye to Berlin - 100 Years of Gay Liberation
- Exhibition at the Schwules Museum Berlin documents gay history. Showing April-August 1997.
- Gays and Lesbians: Reference and Bibliographical Works Annotated
- This site is an annotated guide to 152 gay and lesbian reference works and bibliographies.
- Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military (CSSMM)
- The Center promotes the interdisciplinary analysis of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and other marginalized sexual identities in the armed forces.
- University LGBT/Queer Programs
- A guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer Studies in the USA and Canada.
- Rainbow Query's Spiritual Search Engine
- Search for support groups for members of various religions and spiritualities.
- Gay Men's Spirituality
- A site for exploring the spiritual life of gay men in many forms.
- Metropolitan Community Church
- Christian denomination serving Gay/Lesbian communities in 300 cities in 18 countries.
- Presbyterians for Gay and Lesbian Concerns
- Presbyterian-affiliated organizations working toward justice for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people within and without the church.
- KSCowboy's home page
- KSCowboy witnesses about being a Gay Christian and offers bibliographies and other resources for dealing with coming out.
- Jewish Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Archives, Toronto
- Lots of resources and links for Jewish GLBT folks.
- Congregation Beth El Binah, Dallas
- Queer-friendly synagogue with lots of links to Gay/Lesbian Jewish resources.
- Unitarian Universalist Office of Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Concerns
- Info on Welcoming Congregations, UU resolutions on GLBT and more.
- Soul Force
- Network for applying the principles of nonviolence as taught and lived by Gandhi and King on behalf of sexual and gender minorities.
- Dignity USA
- Gay, lesbian, bisexual, andtransgender Catholics, serving as a proactive voice for reform in the Church and society.
- Gay Pagan Haven
- A site in celebration of Gay Pagans, plus Wiccan resources, chants and more.
- Interfaith Working Group
- A Philadelphia area Interfaith group dedicated to bringing varied religious views on social issues before the public.
- Minoan Brotherhood
- The Brotherhood is a collective of men, primarily gay, trained by traditional means to form covens, what we call Temenos, for the gathering of men in a traditional Witchcraft setting.
- Rainbow Wind
- A group for Lesbigay Pagans and their friends, based in Lexington, KY.
- Witches' Voice Gay Witchcraft page
- Resources for Gay Witches plus The Gay and Lesbian Rites Project.
- Zagreus
- Dedicated to Dionysus and the spiritual liberation of gay men.
Archives, Libraries, Bookstores, Publishers and Bibliophiles:
- Queer Archives and Libraries Around the World
- Alphabetical lists of archives in the US and around the world. Most are not linked.
- Library Q
- The Library Worker's Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Resources
- Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives homepage
- The Gerber/Hart Gay & Lesbian Library & Archives
- Home page of the midwest's largest gay & lesbian library, archive and cultural center.
- GLBT Library/Archives of Philadelphia
- A Lending Library and Research Center, est. 1975, books, magazines and photo archive.
- Homodok
- (in Dutch) Amsterdam's premier gay/lesbian documentation centre. They archive a variety of materials, primarily in Dutch, English, German and Spanish. The collection includes 3,200 periodicals, among which 550 running titles. The bibliographical database contains descriptions of about 66,000 titles (including articles etc.). They have created a custom thesaurus.
- ONE Institute International Gay & Lesbian Archives
- One of the oldest and largest archives of materials for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered concerns.
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Materials: Resources for Librarians
- Great bibliographies put together by a group of graduate students and recent graduates from the University of Washington Graduate School of Library and Information Science.
- Pat Parker/Vito Russo Center Library
- This New York City library holds more than twelve thousand titles of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender fiction and nonfiction, current and classic; as well as dozens of lesbian and gay periodicals and a growing video collection.
- San Francisco Public Library's (SFPL) James C. Hormel Gay & Lesbian Center
- Info on the center; instructions on library procedures; various FAQs; an explanation of how to find gay-related items in the library catalogs, and a research guide.
- Science Fiction for Lesbians
- A list of science fiction books with lesbian characters or by lesbian authors.
- Evanston Public Library
- Webliography for Gay and Lesbian Pride Month offers links to GLBT history and culture.
- Hilton M. Briggs Library (Univ of South Dakota)
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Book Month - suggests books from their collection and offers a web guide to GLBT resources.
- UCLA Library
- Collections and Internet Resources in: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Studies
- A Different Light
- Major Gay and Lesbian bookstore with locations in San Francisco, West Hollywood and New York City.
- Amazon Bookstore
- Minneapolis' Amazon Bookstore - the oldest feminist bookstore in the US (since 1970) offers books, reviews, news, bibliographies, links and lots more.
- Glad Day Bookstore
- Boston area bookstore offering books, videos and magazines and more.
- Little Sister's Book And Art Emporium
- Vancouver, B.C. bookstore, site includes info on Canadian anti-gay import/export cases.
- Sisterspirit Bookstore and Coffeehouse
- Sharing a building with the DeFrank Center, Sisterspirit is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization designed to promote women's community and unity - and a great place to find the next Great Lesbian Novel! (Hours are limited - check the page for times.)
- Red & Black Books Collective
- A not-for-profit progressive bookstore serving Seattle's communities, books, events and bibliographies online.
- Elysium Press
- Printing fine, handbound editions of out-of-print books, particularly 19th c. titles. Catalog available online.
- Hall Closet Book Company
- Specializing in creation of lesbian and gay audio books.
- Wildcat Press
- Wildcat is a new, independent small press. They stand for new directions in literature, freedom of expression and a healthy pluralism in America. Right now, they are dedicated exclusively to publishing the works of well-known author Patricia Nell Warren.
- The Listing of Gay & Lesbian Publications
- A listing of gay and lesbian newspapers and magazines to assist journalists who want to write for these publications and readers who want to find the publications.
- Lavender Salon Reader Online
- Online copy of a newsletter providing information about Gay & Lesbian Reading Clubs in the US. Offers book reviews.
- Lesbians In Print: a web bibliography
- Over 1,500 book jacket blurbs, taken from the book "Lesbians In Print", ( M. Gillon,editor, Bluestocking Books, Irvine, CA, 1995, ISBN 1-887237-13-5, $19.50, trade paper, copyright M.Gillon 1995, 1996 ).
- Blithe House Quarterly
- An online zine of gay short fiction.
and Librarians
- Library Q
- The library worker's guide to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender resources.
- Directory of GLB Librarians on the Internet
- A self-selected directory of out GLBT librarians on the net.
- American Library Association Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Task Force A part of the American Library Association's Social Responsibilities Round Table.
- Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Health Sciences Librarians (LGBHSL) Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Medical Library Association (MLA).
- Information concerning the SIG's activities and interests, including minutes, back issues of newsletters, etc. Also, resources for the lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgendered community.
- HQ76.3/New England
- A social/professional organization of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people working in libraries in New England.
- LEZBRIAN, the Lesbian and Bisexual Women Library Workers List
- List information and resources for queer women library workers.
- SLA Gay & Lesbian Issues Caucus
- News and resources addressing issues of interest to the gay and lesbian membership within SLA, as well as for all members of the Association.
Comics/Comix & Humor:
- Alison Bechdel
- Dykes to Watch Out for home page. :-)
- Gay Toons Syndicate
- Comic strips, e-postcards, merchandise and schedules for cartoonists Elizabeth Davis and Tina Sanders.
Science Fiction:
- The Gaylaxian Science Fiction Society
- Organization for gay, lesbian, bisexual fans of science fiction, fantasy and horror.
- Gay Trek: The Gay & Lesbian Star Trek/Sci Fi Home Page
- Home of USS Harvey Milk, Planet Stonewall and the Voyager Visibility Project. LOTS of really cool stuff!
Films and other media:
- PopcornQ
- Searchable filmography based on a book called The Ultimate Guide to Lesbian & Gay Film and Video. Titled as the ultimate online home for the queer moving image.
Internet/Bitnet Resources:
- Mailing Lists
- BIG list of lbgt-related mailing lists.
- The Rainbow Icon Archive
- Rainbows, lambda's, leather pride, AIDS ribbons and other images for the gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered web weaver.
Resources for the Younger Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered person:
- WebResources for LesBiGay Teens
- A nice link compilation by Julie Chapman of various resources for young folk.
- Children's Bibliography
- Annotated bibliography of gay and lesbian characters and themes in children's books.
- !Out Proud!
- The National Coalition for Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Youth Resource Page and QueerAmerica(tm), our database of lesbigay resources. In addition to a resource center, support groups, etc, District 202 provides a Youth Speakers Bureau.
- District 202
- A Midwest non-profit youth center by and for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth and friends.
- CAT's GLB Youth Advisor
- Self-esteem video project and advice columns and lots of pointers to both organizations and net resource pages.
- YouthArts
- A creative and opinion forum for gay and lesbian youth, publishing their poetry, short fiction, fine art, essays, etc.
- Teen Sexuality
- Don Habib's documentary deals with eight diverse teens. Or go directly to Raphael talking of being gay.
- Gay Youth Leadership School
- NY center for gay youth
- Anything that Moves
- Premier magazine of the Bisexual Pride movement.
- Bi All Means
- Bi resources pages. Esp. good for Chicago, NY and SF.
- Bisexual Hell
- Pointers page.
- bi.org
- Internet presence for bisexual individuals, groups and non-profit organisations.
- Bisexual Resources
- Bi Resource Guide, directory of groups, info on newsletters, etc. Resource Guide
- Biways Orlando
- South Florida web-hosting service for bi-folk with lots of resources and links.
- Soc-Bi HomePage
- Soc-Bi FAQ and other Bi resources.
- alt.polyamory
- The web home of the newsgroup. FAQs and links on poly topics.
- Polyamory Society
- Nonprofit organization which promotes and supports the interest of individuals of multipartner relationships and families
- Anything that Moves
- Online edition of an excellent poly magazine.
- Howard's Polyamory Index
- Isaac Bonewit's Pagan Polyamory page
- Resources for the seeker.
- Loving More Magazine
- A quarterly publication whose mission is to support, explore, and enhance responsibility in non-monogamous relationships.
- Pali Paths, the Honolulu Polyamory Network
- Pali Paths hosts some interesting resources, including an excellent Unitarian sermon that defines and describes polyamory.
- Sacred Space Institute
- Site of Dr. Deborah Anapol, author of Love Without Limits offering workshops and retreats for new paradigm relating and sacred sexuality.
- Stef's Poly Post Archive
- Stef organizes posts from alt.polyamory and the triples and poly mailing lists into a useful archive.
- Unitarian Universalists For Polyamory Awareness
- Promoting awareness and acceptance of polyamory within the Unitarian Universalist denomination.
- Transgender.Org
- Pointers to TG community groups.
- Transgender Forum Resource Center
- A site for crossdressers, transvestites, transsexuals and friends. (Sponsored by 3-D Communications, Inc. and CDS)
- Transgender Forum & Resource Center
- Information, shopping and other resources (Sponsored by CDS and TG Forum)
Intersexual Persons:
- Intersex Society of North America
- Resources for persons born of indeterminate gender. Newsletter - Hermaphrodites with Attitude.
AIDS Information:
- NIH Aids Gopher
- Reports, news and resources from NIH and the National AIDS Clearinghouse.
- Detroit Community AIDS Library
- AIDs resources on the Internet.
- United in Anger
- Moving portraits of AIDS activists with commentary by those photographed.
- Celine's AIDS Resource Page
- Great stuff, including HIV/AIDS Glossary A glossary of AIDS, medical, and clinical trials terminology compiled by Carlton Hogan.
- AIDS Memorial Quilt Website
- How to make a square, where the quilt is being displayed and other useful information.

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