Rowan's photo

Rowan Fairgrove

Here are some links to areas of interest which I pursue. Keeping bookmarks straight just got to be too much! Enjoy!

What's here - Bay Area, my studies: Religion, Arts, Archaeology, Education, Celtica political resources for activists - women, gays and progressives in general (plus a look at the right) and a smorgasbord of other interests - travel, science fiction, needlework, food, shopping and more.

small rainbow knotwork bar by Rowan Fairgrove
------U.S.Naval Astronomical Applications------       clock

Where I live

San Francisco Bay Area Resources
Pages of Bay Area or California interest

My Areas of Study

Multifaith & Religious
Home pages and journals for many different religions.
Various artistic expressions and musical sites on the Web.
Past Studies
Archaeology, Anthropology, History & Classics pointers.
Resources for educators and parents, with emphasis on K-12, plus lots of cool subject specific sites.
Celtic language, culture and other topics of interest.
My Writings
Articles, poetry and ritual that I have written over the years.

Political Resources

Women's Resources
Resources of interest to women.
GLB Resources
Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual resources.
Progressive Resources
Sites that are trying to change the world for the better - social justice, peace and more.
Electoral Politics
Resources for the US and California politics.
Environmental Resources
Global and local environmental action sites.
Right Resources
Anti-progressive resources - right wing, fundamentalist Christian, white supremacist and more.

Reference and Net Resources

Finding Aids
Databases, Indexes and other Guides to the Web.
Publishing on the WWW
Guides to HTML and other aids to WWW publishing including icons, backgrounds, etc.
Electronic Books and Other Electronic Texts
Pointers to and archives of electronic texts.
Electronic Journals & Media
Publishers, Magazines and Media providers available on the Web.
Library resources
Of interest to librarians - including library vendors and library projects.
Library Catalogs and other reference resources such as dictionaries and ready reference works.
Information on the Internet in general - FAQs, statistics, etc.
Resources for Macintosh users. I've begun to add Newton links, too.
Intellectual Property
Information on US patents, copyrights and intellectual property issues.

Other Areas of Interest

My family trees and links to genealogy resources.
Fortune telling
See the future through electronic fortune telling.
Health Issues
Women's Health, Disability, AIDS, Hospice and grieving resources.
Resources for Nonprofits
Links to helpful pages for managing nonprofits, fundraising and more.
Home Pages of my Friends
Home pages related to my favorite newsgroup and pages of my friends.
Job resources
Career resources for librarians and others.
Needle Arts
Costuming, stitchery and sewing resources - bellydance and historical costuming, needlepoint, cross-stitch, quilting.
Rowan's Icons & Bars
Celtic knotwork bars and buttons for use on web sites. Small collection of Celtic artwork.
Recipes and Food
Cookbooks, recipe archives and sites devoted to particular food or drinks.
Science Fiction
Archives and Pointers to Science Fiction and Fantasy pages.
Travel & Tourism resources.
Places to shop
Commercial locations on the Web.
This page is meant for adults - sex activists, merchants and erotica pointers.
Other things I think are cool - space, gardening, pets, tattoos and more.

rainbow knotwork bar by Rowan Fairgrove

This site made with Macintosh Back to Fairgrove Conjureworks
