Breton/Bretagne Culture
- Bretagne
- Information about Brittany (in French), from tourism to scientific research with excursions into legend and the beautiful countryside.
- Celtic World: Le Portal du monde Celte
- Links to Celtic information and to festivals, esp. Festival Interceltique de Lorient.
- Quimper/Kemper
- Information on this Amorican city in Brittany, France (text in English, French and Breton). With particular attention to Breton culture.
- The Other Side
- This mystic page features ghost stories - but also a collection of Bretagne folktales.
- Breton folk dancing and music
- Information from Ray Price, a teacher of the circle and spiral dances of Brittany and the country dances of central France.
- Breton Language Page
- Online lessons, summer course info and pointers to Breton resources.

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Artwork copyright 1994 Rowan Fairgrove
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