zoomorphic dogs

General Info and Links on Celtic Topics

Soc.Culture.Celtic FAQs on Celtic language, countries and events.
Who were the Celts? essay.

Angus Og's Celtic Pointers
A diverse list of Celtic sites in various languages.
An Saol Ceilteach
Irish Gaelic resources, an E-zine, and lots of links to things Celtic.
Celtic Heart
Modern Celts, Gods & Myth, History and Heros and more.
Celtic Resources from Celtic-L@Danann.hea.ie
List info and an archive of articles from the list.
Celtic World
Celtic folklore and magical resources.
Celtica International
Celtica Magazine offers a variety of articles, the site also offers links to other Celtic sites.
Celts & Saxons
A beautiful page with lots of resources for Celts and Saxons alike!
The Druidry Page
Druid organizations and general info for Celts.
Celtic & Scottish pages
A fun collection of links by Dana Riemer.
The Celtic League
An inter-celtic organisation that campaigns for the social, political and cultural rights of the Celtic nations.
Irish Arts Foundation
Providing American audiences on the West Coast with access to the very best of Irish art, music and culture from Ireland and her Celtic sisters.
Pat Murphy's Irish and Celtic Thingies
Links to an amazing array of resources for the Celtophile of any nation.
IRLNET database of Irish Network Resources
Ireland index with lots of information. (previously Ireland Online Index)
Caer Australis
Information on Celtic organizations, activities and resources in Australia.
Celtic Nations World
Celtic festivals, music, books, clothes, food, videos, tours, gifts and links.
Celtic Devon
Devon was the cornerstone of one of Britain's most significant Celtic Kingdoms (Dumnonia), and retains a significant heritage from those days. Devon's people are predominantly of Celtic stock, with the Celtic language (which also resulted in Cornish) being spoken well into the dark ages, and is retained today in place names, dialect, as well as in customs and culture.


UK/Ireland Genealogy
Getting started and doing geneaological research in Great Britain and Ireland.
Cornish Family History Society
Lots of information for the genealogical researcher.
Murdoch House
The Cornish-American Connexion studies emigration patterns, etc.

Ireland Genealogy - World GenWeb Project
Queries, passenger lists and lots of resources for the researcher.
Irish Roots Magazine
A magazine for Irish genealogists.
Ireland Genealogy Course
An online class for researchers, with good info and pointers for anyone doing Irish genealogy.
Ireland Uncensored - All Things Irish
Irish history, jobs in Ireland, great pubs, tracing your ancestors, interactive Irish language lessons, study abroad programs, poetry, music and tourist information.

Scottish Genealogy Society
Membership organization for those tracing roots in Scotland. Many publications for sale.
Scots Origins
General Register Office for Scotland offers an online pay-per-view database of indexes from its genealogical records.

Wales Genealogy
Information for getting started on genealogy research in Wales.
North Wales Genealogy Info
Information on digging for your roots in North Wales.

The Genealogy Home Page
Not specifically Celtic - but a fabulous place to come for general info.
Helm's Genealogy Toolbox
Not specifically Celtic - but provides lots of tools for the researcher.
Roots Web
Not specifically Celtic - but has great resources. Database of surnames, info from various researchers and more.

Celtic Studies

Celtic Studies Around the World
A list of universities offering Celtic studies curricula.
Celtic Studies Bibliography
Celtic Studies Association of North America's online bibliography. (Oct 1995)
The Encyclopaedia of the Celts
Based on quotations from literature, myth, legend, fiction and history compiled and edited by Knud Mariboe © 1994.

Touring Celtic Countries

Travel in the Celtic World
One man's journey - Rannie Gillis biked, hiked, and photographed the Celtic world.
Well Within
Tours to England, Scotland, Ireland with emphasis on Celtic sacred and mystical sites.

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Artwork copyright 1994 Rowan Fairgrove

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