About Galicia
- Galician Resources
- Links to information about Galicia, arts & culture, tourism and lots more.
- Galicia/Galiza
- A web directory from Galicia-L.
- soc.culture.galiza home page
- A newsgroup for discussion of topics related to Galicia, Iberian Peninsula: history, current affairs, future political and economic development, culture and traditions, language, and relationships with other countries.
- Coruna University
- Galicia's first WWW server offers links to
Galician Culture
- Galician Bagpipes
- Information on the gaita, Galician bagpipes.
Travelling in Galicia
- Lodging guide of Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria
- Restaurants, hotels, camping, etc.
- A virtual guide to the Galician Land - villages, lodging, nature, festivals, shopping and more.
- Galician Language Institute
- Galician is a Romance Language, that belongs to the Iberianromance family of languages. It has common aspects with portuguese (morphology and some vocabulary). In Galicia, Galician and Castilian are both recognised as official languages.
- Galego.org
- In Galician (or Spanish?), a resource for language learning including a membership-based chat room.

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Artwork copyright 1994 Rowan Fairgrove
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