Lore, Myth and Tradition
Celtic Lore
- Celtic Spirit
- Workshop schedules, tape information and writings from Mara Freeman, writer, storyteller, and teacher of Celtic and British earth-based wisdom traditions.
- Celtic Twilight
- An online collection of texts from Gildas to Spencer to Mark Twain along with Goddodin, the Mabinogian and other Arthurian source works.
- Mynfel's Hearth
- The lore of Bards, Druids & Kings and a collection of Celitc treasures, folklore and myth.
- The Mist-Filled Path
- The Poems & Writings of Frank MacEowen and current workshop schedule.
- Shee Eire
- An online guide to Ancient Ireland. Within these pages you will find information on the Magic and Mythology, Gods & Goddesses, Warriors & Heroines, Fairy Lore, Druids and more. Also information on Herbs, Trees & Fungi, Sites and Monuments, Arts & Crafts.
- Celtic Folklore
- Online books and texts translating Celtic legends and sagas; also features retellings of the material, folklore, or literary works based on Celtic themes.
- Ancient Texts - Celtic Literature Collective
- The Mythological Cycle, The Ulster Cycle, The Fenian Cycle, The Cycle of the Kings (or the Historical Cycle), Imramma (Mystical Voyages), Wisdom Literature, Selections from the Dindsenchas, Miscellaneous Poetic Works and Lives and Works of Irish-Born Saints.
- Ancient Texts - Irish Texts Archive
- Irish texts and poems.
- Ancient Texts - Welsh Texts Archive
- Welsh texts and poems.
- The Realm of the Fae
- An illustrated dictionary of Fae arranged by element.
- Celtics
- Fairy lore and links.
- Fairy Page by Eileen Holland
- General Fairy lore and the lore of plant Fairies.
- Swift Hollow
- Fairy art and descriptions.
- Dalriada Celtic Heritage Trust
- Information on Scottish society, culture, folklore and more.
- Gathering of the Clans
- Information on Scottish folklore, history, culture
- Carmina Gaelica - Ortha nan Gaidheal
- The first Volume of the Carmina Gaelica in both Gaidhlig and English.
- British Mythology - The Mabinogion
- Full text of Math The Son of Mathonwy and a summary of Pwyll Prince of Dyfed.
- The Mabinogion
- Full text of all of the Mabinogian Cycle.
- An Irish Myth Concordence
- A concordance of the Irish mythological cycle based on Lady Gregory's Gods and Fighting Men
- Irish Literature, mythology, folklore and drama
- A link page with lots of Irish mythology links.
- Literature and Verse
- Pointers to ancient Irish tales and sayings, literature and more.
- T‡in B— Cualgne
- The Cattle-Raid of Cooley is the central epic of the Ulster cycle.
- The Story of MacDatho's Pig
- Side-by-side Irish and English from an Emory class in Irish.
- Voyage of Bran
- This medieval Irish saga was translated into English from the Old Irish by Kuno Meyer in 1890. Available in English or Irish Gaelic with criticism.
- Our Bright Fire - Brighid
- A page dedicated to the Goddess Brighid - with links to many others.
- The Woad Page
- A page devoted to the growing and use of Woad.
- Dragon Line/Spirit Line
- Research resources for Leylines.
- The Megalith Map
- A resource for finding any stone circle or stone row in England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales.
Ogham Resources
- Curtis Clark's Ogham page
- A discussion of the tree ogham and a Windows ogham font.
- Every Ogham thing on the Web
- Extensive links to Ogham - fonts, scholarly info, books and lots, lots more!
- Ogham: A System of Celtic Divination
- Colleen Whitaker offers a system of Ogham divination.

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Artwork copyright 1994 Rowan Fairgrove
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